7-Post Graduate Diploma In Hijama Therapy (P.G.D-H.T-P.M)


Course Code:-N.A.H.T-P.G.D-H.T-(P.M).
Course Overview and Syllabus.
About this course:
> A C.M.A. approved course with certification.
> A postgraduate diploma course requires a minimum of 6 months of home study.
> The course aims for students to submit a thesis in 2500 words on the subject of hijama/cupping therapy in addition to completing the course assignments and exams.
> It includes a full day dedicated to practical training, which will be organized for students to attend at an appropriate time and place during their study.
> The course includes a hijama/cupping therapy starter kit provided within the course price.

Course-6, 7 & 8- Postgraduate Diploma in courses in Hijama Therapy and Specialized studies-(P.G.D)

These courses are an extension of our Diploma in hijama therapy course with additional units as stated here. An additional and different hijama cupping manual will be provided for each of the different postgraduate course selection.
1. Course-6- Post Graduate Diploma in Hijama Therapy-(P.G.D-H.T).
2. Course-7- Post Graduate Diploma in Hijama Therapy and Prophetic Medicine-P.G.D-H.T-(P.M).
3. Course-8- Post Graduate Diploma in Hijama Therapy and Tibb Medicine-P.G.D-H.T-(T.M).

Course Overview and Syllabus Content

This level of Hijama Therapy represents the highest level of education and training in the field of hijama/cupping therapy. Here’s an overview of what this advanced course entails:
Prerequisite: Students enrolling in this level are required to have a strong foundation in hijama therapy, either through completing the Diploma level or holding an equivalent achievement from another institute of hijama/cupping studies. This prerequisite ensures that students have a comprehensive understanding of the basics before delving into advanced studies.
Comprehensive Mastery: At this level, students are expected to be well-versed in every dimension of hijama therapy, including both theory and practice. They should demonstrate a deep understanding of the principles, techniques, and art of hijama therapy.
Conduct and Professionalism: Students should exhibit professionalism and high ethical standards in their practice of hijama therapy. This includes adhering to ethical conduct, maintaining patient confidentiality, and ensuring the well-being of clients.
Research and Innovation: This level emphasizes the ability to conduct independent research and innovative thinking in the field of hijama therapy. Students are encouraged to explore new ideas and contribute to the development of this therapy through sound reasoning and logic.

**Thesis or Case Submissions**: As a culmination of their studies, students are required to complete a thesis or submit detailed case studies. The thesis should be well-researched and focused on a specific area of hijama therapy, presented in no more than 2500 words. Alternatively, students can submit five detailed case studies to demonstrate their expertise and competence.
**Extensive Skill**: Graduates of this level should be able to perform various types of hijama with an extensive skill set, including advanced techniques and methods.
**Knowledge of Human Anatomy & Physiology**: Students should have a deep understanding of human anatomy and physiology, which is critical for effective hijama therapy.
**Clinical Studies and Legal Aspects**: The curriculum includes the study of clinical aspects and legal considerations related to hijama therapy, including insights into litigation and advice on setting up and running a hijama/cupping business.
**Customized Syllabus**: While the syllabus content is not listed in detail, it’s mentioned that the course content is in great depth. Prospective students will receive the relevant course contents prior to enrollment. This ensures that the curriculum can be tailored to the needs of the students.
**Preparation for All Avenues**: The course is designed to thoroughly prepare students for all aspects of hijama therapy, from clinical practice to research and business management.

In summary, this postgraduate course that equips students with the highest level of knowledge and skills in hijama therapy. Graduates are expected to be experts in the field, capable of conducting research, demonstrating advanced clinical skills, and adhering to high ethical and professional standards in their practice. The course content is customized and provided to qualifying applicants before enrollment.

Hijama therapist courses at the 3rd level

* Postgraduate Diploma Level in Hijama Therapy – An extension of studies on Hijama therapy to an advanced level i.e. Anatomy & Physiology as well as the Core material on Hijama with a detailed Manual on Cupping Points-(Manual-A-).
* Postgraduate Diploma Level in Hijama Therapy & Prophetic Medicine – An extension of studies on post-graduate in Hijama therapy to an advanced level i.e. Anatomy & Physiology as well as the Core material information on Hijama with comprehensive material on Prophetic Medicine with advanced and additional detailed Manual on Cupping Points-(Manual-B-).
* Postgraduate Diploma Level in Hijama Therapy & Tibb Medicine – An extension of studies on Hijama therapy to an advanced level i.e Anatomy & Physiology as well as the Core material information on Hijama with comprehensive material on Tibb Medicine with advanced and additional detailed Manual on Cupping Points in accordance with Tibb Medicine-(Manual-C-).

> Entry Criteria: *(5-G.C.S.E’s including Maths & English, Diploma studies in hijama/cupping therapy from an established hijama institute OR a Diploma from our academy will be helpful . Alternatively a suitable qualification relating to the health profession in which clerical and administrative skills have been exercised).
> For registered and enrolled students: They will receive detailed syllabuses for each course tier.
> Qualification: An, A-3 Green shaded Certificate-[P.G.D-H.T-(P.M)] that will have the signatures of 3-authorities from our academy. This certificate will be embossed with an N.A.H.T seal before being issued to our graduates.

The Post Graduate Diploma Level Course in:

1. Hijama Therapy-P.G.D-(H.T).
2. Hijama Therapy with Prophetic Medicine-P.G.D-H.T-(P.M).
3. Hijama Therapy with Tibb-Medicine-P.G.D-H.T-(T.M).

As outlined in the course detail section of the website. There will be a unique cupping manual with its specialized contents for each post graduate level of course study with a common syllabus content as stated here.

Course Contents-(10-units)

* UNIT-27-Anatomy & Physiology-3-.
* UNIT-28-Therapies & branches of Medical treatment.
* UNIT-29-Complete Manual of Cupping/Hijama.
* UNIT-30-Medical Tests i.e. blood analysis etc.
* UNIT-31-Theory of humors.
* UNIT-32-Complete prophetic medicine & practice.
* UNIT-33-Complete cupping/TCM Cupping.
* UNIT-34-Accupunctire points Manual.
* UNIT-35-Meridian Manual.
* UNIT-36-Establishing & Managing your Advanced Hijama practice.

UNIT-27- Anatomy & Physiology-3

Learning Objective:

* To Know & understand Anatomy & Physiology at a more complex level as in comparison to the Diploma level-2- units. The unit requires students to get a more in depth explanation from the Medical perspective.
* The branch of science concerned with the bodily structure of humans, animals, and other organisms, esp. as revealed by dissection. The bodily structure of us as Humans & all of its parts as a living Organism.
* To Know & understand that Physiology is:-
* The biological study of the functions of living organisms and their parts.
* All the functions of a living organism or any of its parts.

Learning Outcome:

For Anatomy:

* By the end of this unit, Students should understand & be thoroughly familiar with the Major Anatomical make up of us as humans; such as illustrated in this unit i.e. Skeletal, Circulatory, Muscular, Cranial Bones, Brain, Lungs, Heart, Digestive System, Teeth, Nose-Mouth & pharynx, Eye, Teeth, Skin & Hair, kidney & The Reproductive System.
* To be able to make quick reference to the relevant Anatomical System & its part, with ease.

For Physiology:

By the end of this unit, Students should understand & be thoroughly familiar with Human Physiology in reference to the above objectives.
* To be able to make reference to the physiological system with ease when it comes to treating a particular illness/disease in this unit i.e. The Complete- 9-Systems of the Human Body; in Main.

UNIT-28- Therapies & branches of Medical Treatment

Learning Objective:

* To Know & understand in brief the main are of medical treatment used to diagnose & treat patients that is offered in the mainstream of Human Medicine & treatment of disease.

Learning Outcome:-
* By the end of this unit, Students understand the various branches of mainstream medical approaches that help to diagnose & treat disease.
* Students should start to carry out a cross comparison of Hijama/Cupping Therapy; as a system of Alternative treatment & its role in healing thus evaluate after this comparison, its significance from a firm standpoint.

UNIT-29- Complete Manual of Cupping/Hijama.

Learning Objective:

* To be able to successfully understand & name the appropriate T.C.M Cupping Meridians/Zones/Points; as well as the Prophetic areas of Hijama/Cupping of the human anatomy for the treatment of Major & Minor diseases.

Learning Outcome:-

* By the end of this unit, Students should understand the main reasons as to why there are benefits in the application of Hijamah/Cupping in helping treatment of Disease; especially in reference to the Hijama Sunnah points of our prophet. To Confirm that the later research of T.C.M points & Meridians explains the benefits of these Prophetic Cupping Points that were already described by the Prophet s.a.w over 1400 years ago i.e. how & why each particular selection of a point ties/falls within the T.C.M Cupping Zones/Points; giving almost identical benefits.
This would explain & justify the wisdom of our Prophet Muhammad s.a.w in recommending this therapy many years before others knew of it.

UNIT-30- Medical Tests i.e. Blood Analysis Tables

Learning Objective:

* To Know & understand the various types of tests that are carried out in the mainstream of medicine to find disease such as in Hematology-Blood Tests that include E.S.R & C.P.R Tests etc , Radiology-Chest X-Rays etc.

Learning Outcome:

* By the end of this unit, Students should be able to make reference to such tables & result range to get a brief indication of the disease suffered & to determine & plan the regimen of treatment.

UNIT-31- Theory of Humors

Learning Objective:

* To Know & understand the various types of Humors & temperaments that exist within us as Humans in accordance to the teaching, Phylosophy & Research of the Great Masters Such as:-Hippocrates (Father Of Medicine),Galen & Avicenna; that exist i.e. Bloody, Phlegmatic, Bilious (Yellow & Black), Sanguine, Nervous & Mixed; which are based on the 5-element theory i.e. Air, Earth, Water, Fire & Metal
* To recognize & know the Characteristics, Life style & behavior traits of such Human temperaments in treating disease.

Learning Outcome:

* By the end of this unit, Students should be able to understand the principles of the existence of such Humors & Temperaments when attempting to facilitate in treating ailments at a Complementary Level of treatment.

UNIT-32- Complete Prophetic Medicine & Practice.

Learning Objective:

* To Know & understand the History & background of The Prophet Muhammad s.a.w & his recommended Medicine to the ailing; as well as the various types of Prophetic principles of treatment & the selection of the relevant remedy.

Learning Outcome:

* By the end of this unit, Students should understand the History, background & principles of prophetic treatment.

UNIT-33- Complete Hijama/Cupping Manual with Directory of Diseases & their Treatment

Learning Objective:

* To Know & understand that the Hijama Manual is in its complete form that is an authentic reference guide in treating all the diseases as listed but should exercise caution where necessary as described in this course.

Learning Outcome:

* By the end of this unit, Students should be able to make reference to table of diseases in this manual & by wise planning carry out the cupping-Hijama procedures for disease suffered by patients.

UNIT-34- Acupuncture Points Manual

Learning Objective:

* To know & understand the technique in making reference to the acupuncture meridians & points as lay down in this Manual; so as to make continual reference when treating Diseases.

Learning Outcome:

* By the end of this unit, Students should be able to make reference to this Acupuncture Manual effectively & select points with justification as to why they are the indicated points in treatment disease suffered.
* Students are advised to thoroughly familiarize themselves with this manual to become wise & better in their work.

UNIT-35- Meridian Manual

Learning Objective:

* To know & understand the significance of acupuncture meridians & to make continual reference to them in treating Diseases.

Learning Outcome:

* By the end of this unit, Students should be able to understand the Meridians & the Corresponding correct acupoints.
* Students are advised to thoroughly familiarize themselves with this Meridian manual to become wise & better in their work.



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